Google Form Templates

Google Form Templates Help You Collect Data

I’m a data nerd. I love data. I love making it easy to collect data. Google forms is a great way to collect information from your customers, party guests, and more. Here are a few Google Forms that I have found helpful. You will want to CREATE A COPY of these forms. Do not share the links to these forms or your customer’s data will come to me (and I don’t monitor these templates for actual data).

To create your own copy, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the link of the form you wish to copy from the list below.
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Choose “make a copy”
  4. Choose where to save the file (make sure you are not saving it to my google drive).
  5. Click “make a copy”

After creating your own copy, I suggest updating the form title, images, and modify any content that you need. Also, I recommend that you turn on email notifications for when the form has been filled out. Go to Responses, and make sure that the email notifications is selected. If you’re unsure on how to use google forms, there are some great tutorials available just by searching for them on Google. 🥰

Here are the forms that I have made shareable:

Note: I do not keep these templates up-to-date with current products, so you may need to make updates. Canva is a great tool for creating your own images and has templates for Google forms.

Catalog Request Form

Door Prize Giveaway

Hostess Interest Form

Hostess Survey

Personal Shopper Form

Refill Club

Can you think of additional forms that might be helpful? Email your ideas to

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