Holiday Planning for Chaos Coordinators

Holidays don’t have to equal stress!

Does the thought of getting ready for the holidays stress you out? I’m here to tell you that it does not have to! Just like most of the other chaos in my life, the chaos of holidays can largely be handled with a little bit of planning (and a whole lot of grace).

Creating your Holiday Planner is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Choose your cover.  (Are you Team Polar Bear or Team Plaid? )
  2. Choose your inserts. (We make that easy with this fun bundle!)
  3. Choose your accessories. (I always recommend a magnetic clip!)

Our Holiday Planning Insert gives you a central place to organize all the things you’ll need to do this holiday season. (We also offer a Hanukkah Planning Insert!) This will help you keep track of shopping lists, bucket lists (even those favorite holiday movies!), mailing lists, meal planning, memory keeping and so much more! Don’t forget to snag that tote + tote strap to carry all your new planning goodies with you while you’re shopping!

Do you need a bit more help creating your planner? Check out The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Personalized Planner for more detailed info!

Give Yourself the Gift of a Home Command Center!

Creating a central Command Center in your home where ALL the schedules are visible is a huge part of keeping my family going to the right places at the right time, especially when our routines get all out of whack, like during holidays.

We juggle soccer schedules, teen work schedules, virtual school, small biz life, and church activities (and that’s just what I could think of as I write this). ALL of it goes right here on our Wall Calendar. And yes, I color code here too, so I definitely recommend snagging the dry erase markers!

We created a Command Center with both a Monthly and a Weekly wall calendar so that we have space to write details where needed. We also use the weekly horizontal layout to track chores and meal plans for the week!

Will this be on your wish list this Christmas? Consider being a hostess for one of our Planner Workshops to snag yours for half-price (with a qualified party of $500+).