A Moment of Reflection: September 11th

A Moment of Reflection: September 11th

Today is a day that holds so much weight for so many of us. As I sit here, years later, I find myself reflecting on where I was and how that day unfolded.

I was a junior in college, at NC State University, just starting my day in my dorm room when I heard about the first tower being hit. One of the girls on my floor was from New York, and as the news spread, we quickly gathered around her in front of a television, watching what felt like the unimaginable. There was this shared sense of disbelief, a kind of collective shock that none of us had ever experienced before. Classes were cancelled, and we were glued to the television, trying to make sense of something that didn’t seem real. The mood was somber. There were no words—just silence and disbelief at what was happening.

Now, as a parent, it feels even more surreal. My kids are learning about September 11th in history classes, but for me, it still feels like it just happened. It’s one of those moments in time that stays with you—etched so deeply in your memory that even though years have passed, it never really fades.

It also makes me think: what will be the event that defines my kids’ generation? Will it be just one moment, or will there be more to come? These are the things that run through my mind on days like today.

But what I’ve learned, both as a student back then and as a parent now, is that amidst the uncertainty and tragedy, there is always resilience. There’s always hope. And most importantly, there’s community. As we reflect on the events of September 11th, I encourage all of us to take a moment to honor the lives lost, the sacrifices made, and the strength we’ve seen in the years since.

Today is a day to pause, reflect, and appreciate the moments and people who matter most. Let’s take this time to connect with one another, to remember, and to hold onto the strength that carries us forward.

I’d love to hear your story. If you feel comfortable, share where you were on September 11th and how it impacted you. Let’s use this space to reflect and support one another. Whether it’s your memory from that day or your thoughts on how we move forward, your voice matters. 💜 Leave your reflections in the comments below.

Sending love and light to you all. 💜

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