Whisking Away Stress: Mindful Planning for a Calmer Week

Whisking Away Stress: Mindful Planning for a Calmer Week

purple and green northern lightsAfter a week spent unplugged from the chaos of daily life, I’ve returned from an amazing Alaskan cruise with a new perspective on stress relief. One of the most awe-inspiring moments was stumbling upon the Northern Lights in the middle of the night—something we hadn’t planned for but just happened to witness by chance. It was 4 a.m., we couldn’t sleep, and my husband noticed the sky looking a little strange. We stepped out onto the balcony, grabbed our phones, and sure enough, there it was—the magnificent Northern Lights lighting up the sky!

But my trip wasn’t just about that magical moment. It was also about enjoying simple pleasures like reading a good book while watching stunning mountain and ocean views pass by. It reminded me how essential it is to slow down, be present, and allow ourselves the time to truly recharge.

That got me thinking: What if we could whisk away some of that everyday stress by simply planning for moments like these? Taking some downtime to recharge is just as important as crossing off the to-dos on your list. So, let’s explore how you can reduce stress through mindful planning and make space for moments of rest and relaxation throughout your week.

Brain Dump to Clear Your Mind

brain dump weekly insert with highlighting for categoriesOne of my favorite tools to tackle stress is the Brain Dump insert. When life feels overwhelming, the best thing you can do is get all those stressful thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

Here’s how I use it:

  • On the left side of the insert, I write down every single thing that’s weighing on my mind—things I need to do, upcoming deadlines, small errands, even worries that are hanging over me. This page is your space to word vomit—get it all out!
  • After everything is out of your head, it’s time to sort through the mess. I highlight the items based on categories: work tasks, personal to-dos, errands, etc. Next, I start crossing off anything I can accomplish in under five minutes. Quick wins feel so good and help create a sense of progress.
  • From there, I use prioritization methods to focus on what really matters. On the right side of the Brain Dump insert, which features a weekly layout, I choose my top three priorities for each day. These are the things that will truly move the needle for the week. As I move tasks from the left page to the right or finish them, I cross them off—it’s incredibly satisfying to see that progress!

Build in Breaks and Down Time

teresa stone reading while on a cruiseOnce you’ve got your priorities mapped out, it’s crucial to schedule mini breaks throughout your week. Whether it’s reading for 30 minutes, taking a walk, or just sitting with a cup of coffee and staring out the window, these little pockets of time can help you reset and recharge. After all, not every moment needs to be about productivity.

Much like I enjoyed the views of Alaska from the deck of a cruise ship while reading (I managed to finish 13 books in 10 days!), you can create your own moments of calm by intentionally scheduling time to unplug, reflect, and simply be.

Join the Chaos Coordinator Community

Planning for downtime is just as important as planning your tasks, and with the right approach, you can make both happen! In our Chaos Coordinator Community, we regularly share tips for balancing priorities with self-care, and our upcoming Planners in Progress session is the perfect way to dig deeper into these techniques. I’d love for you to join our next session and see how we can all plan for a more relaxed and productive life.

As we whisk away stress together, remember: You can’t pour from an empty cup. So, make sure you’re creating time for the things that fill yours.

How do you plan for downtime? Comment below with your favorite ways to unwind or how you’ve reduced stress using your planner!

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