2019 Words of the Year

A“word of the year” is a particular word that has meaning to you for the coming year. Some people choose something that they want to work on, like “faith” or “patience.” I’ve actually selected three words this year. I know, I’m an overachiever. These three words mean a lot to me, and are printed on the front of my planner for 2019 as a daily reminder.


As a perfectionist at heart, allowing myself to actually dream is a challenge. To set goals without being absolutely certain that I can achieve them is not in my nature. I am blessed with an amazing husband who pushes me to believe in myself and allows me to dream. I guess his squiggle ways are rubbing off on this square. This year, I have some pretty lofty dreams, and I am EXCITED about it, not nervous!


The word “grow” has several meanings for me this year. I want to grow as a wife, mom and stepmom. I want to better fill those roles. Now, that doesn’t mean I think I’m doing a horrible job at them, but there’s always room for improvement.

I also want to grow as a business owner and team leader. My team has grown from a team of one to a team of ten in just four months. I believe that this company and this team is only going to continue to grow in 2019, and I want to be prepared to support my team in meeting their goals as well. Developing team training material, building personal relationships with my customers as well as my team of stylists, creating a fun environment for my VIPs – these are just some of the things I have planned for this coming year.

I also want to make time for personal development, and actually make the time to read books *gasp*, as well as attending workshops and seminars that will help me grow in the areas that I am week. I suspect that I’ll be spending quite a bit of time at CoCreate Lexington, and hope to influence the workshops being offered to the ones that I personally want to attend. “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis is on my list (I’m on Chapter 2 already), but I would love to hear what you think are must-reads!


To inspire is to “fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” In 2018, I started The Blended Mama’s Monthly Market. On average, I have 25 vendors at each market. Many of these vendors women just starting out as business owners, trying something new for themselves and their families. I also have been building a team of new Color Street Independent Stylists – again, many of whom are brand new to the small business world. I hope that I am able to impart some of the lessons that I’ve learned over the years, as well as to inspire more women to take a chance on themselves.

No matter what the business, I am always impressed by the women who are able to step out in faith, believe in themselves and their product/service, and take that chance of starting their own business. I hope that by surrounding myself by women like this, that our girls will also be inspired to become their own bosses one day, to have the self-confidence to take that first step.

Wrapping up 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, I want to thank each and every one of you who have been there for our family. Whether you’ve shared social media posts, stopped by for yummies from the trolley, purchased nail polish from me, or just hung out with our kiddos for a bit, you have been part of our tribe and part of our village. We are so grateful for you all. We hope that you’ll stick around to see what 2019 holds for us. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!