A Message of Peace and Hope

Those of you who know us personally probably know that DJ is the visionary and I’m the Negative Nancy (I prefer realist). DJ is the dreamer who is unwavering in his faith once he feels God leading him. I am the “show me” person who wants to see everything laid out all nice and pretty so that I can see how it is going to work. DJ tends to just have faith that it will all work out. Well, this week has kind of flipped us both on our heads. DJ has been a bundle of nerves, has had trouble eating and sleeping. I have been calm, cool and collected (for the most part). It’s an odd feeling, especially given everything that is going on in our community right now.

This bakery business is by no means our primary source of income. In fact, we have not personally taken any money out of the business. Every penny earned has been put back into the business to continue to grow it. As we are now investing in a food truck, that requires more financial investment from us. That’s part of owning and growing a small business. It’s a balance of risks and rewards, and we believe there will be a payoff eventually, but are not naïve enough to expect it to be fully funding itself from day one. We have both worked at our respective companies for around 14 years. Both companies are in the news a lot lately. If you’re local, you know by now that SCE&G has had to abandon its new nuclear plant project. This has been heartbreaking news for us, both personally and professionally. We have friends and neighbors who have lost their jobs, or have uncertain job futures. There is still much turmoil within our companies and there is no telling what will happen to us. The communities in and around where these plants were being built will be affected immensely. The pain of the loss of this business will last for years. The nuclear industry as a whole will take another big hit. The effects of this decision are and will be widespread. It is devastating. My heart is breaking for people that I don’t even know. I’m saddened by the public outcry that seems to be more concerned with suing companies over their rate increases than it is for these families and communities that are being devastated.

With all of this upheaval at our employers and the excitement but nervousness about expanding our business, I’m oddly at peace.

It’s weird, really. It’s not a feeling of certainty. I don’t know what’s going to happen with my job or with DJ’s job or with the food truck. What I do know is that I have been through turbulent times before. While in the storm, things felt crazy. Looking back, I know that God had me in the palm of his hands, shielding me and protecting me. That is the peace that I feel. The peace in knowing that no matter what happens, God is still the One in control and He has a plan for me. That is the Truth that I can stand steady on and what keeps me going. We are praying for our community, and for all those affected by the plant closure.

DJ is now on his way to Oklahoma City to pick up our new food truck. Will you join me in prayer for his safety on this trip? This business and this food truck have been prayed for and will be prayed over for a while now. This is so much more than just a business to us – this is our ministry. We are excited and hopeful for the lives that will be touched. Thank you for being a part of this, and we look forward to continuing to serve our community.