In the Zone: Finding Your Planning Swing

Hey Chaos Coordinators! 🌟 Today, let’s embark on a journey to discover the magical realm of “In the Zone.” We’re talking about finding your planning swing – that elusive sensation of near perfection. Ready to groove into the planning rhythm? Let’s dive in!

In the Zone: Finding Your Planning Swing

The Quest for Effortless Harmony

In the fast-paced world that we all live in with family, work, and business obligations, there’s a sweet spot we all crave – the zone where everything effortlessly falls into place. I think we are all seeking that in every area of our life. I’m not an expert at ALL the things…but I do love helping women find calm in the chaos of life through planning and community – so let’s chat about finding that planning swing, ok? Picture this: Your tasks align seamlessly, creativity flows, and time seems to dance to your planning tune. That’s the planning swing, my friends!

If this is something that has eluded you for a long time, or maybe you’ve even just given up on the idea of ever planning anything – please keep reading my friend! Not everyone loves planning, and that’s ok! But, you’re never going to fall in love with something if you don’t engage with it – so I hope that you will give planning a try. I know that you might not *want* to plan…but for now, it’s enough if you want to want to plan.

Step 1: Sync Your Mind and Planner

Achieving the planning swing starts with syncing up your mind and planner. Clear your mental clutter, focus on priorities, and let your planner become the canvas where your goals come to life. It’s all about creating a harmonious partnership between your thoughts and your trusted planning companion.

Maybe you’re not sure what you’re even looking for in a planner. Perhaps you could start out with a journal and figure out what it is that you need help tracking. In the video below, I show you how you can try different planning layouts by recreating them on a dot grid insert or journal. PRO TIP: Unless you’re planning to go deep down into the bullet journaling rabbit hole, I strongly suggest that you grab the dot grid insert and play with that – long term, you are probably going to want to grab the pre-printed inserts with your new favorite layouts.

Step 2: Set the Cadence

Every planner has its rhythm – its cadence. Find yours! Whether it’s a daily check-in, a weekly planning session, or a monthly reflection, set the beat that resonates with your workflow. The cadence keeps you in sync and sets the groundwork for that smooth planning swing.

In our Chaos Coordinator Community. we offer the opportunity to do your weekly planning together with others who are also working to build up the habit of using their new planners. If you’re not already there, I hope you’ll come join us!

Step 3: Embrace the Dance of Flexibility

In the zone, flexibility is your dance partner. Plans might shift, unexpected tasks may pop up, but your ability to adapt with grace keeps the swing alive. Embrace the dance of flexibility and watch how it adds a dynamic flair to your planning routine.

I’ll be honest, this is an area I am still working on – but I’m finding the better I get about doing my daily planning and understanding what my week truly looks like, I am better able to adapt and change when life throws that curveball. I have more information in hand and am better able to make those quick decisions on how to adjust and still get all the things accomplished.

Step 4: Lose Track of Time

Ever been so engrossed in planning that time seemed to vanish? That’s the magic! When you’re in the zone, lose track of time. Let the strokes of your planner pen guide you and let the minutes flow like a gentle breeze. Time becomes a mere companion on your planning journey.

Now, I don’t recommend losing total track of time all the time. I definitely recommend using the Pomodoro Method for time management. But you know that things are going well with your planning when you are just chugging along doing all the things and are surprised that you’ve stayed on task for 30 minutes, or an hour… This just happened to me a few weeks ago; I was working on items on my to-do list – at my computer – and totally lost track of time…missing the beginning of my own team meeting! It wasn’t until 20 minutes past the start time that someone reached out and said “hey, are we still having a meeting?” *face palm* (Alarms are a good idea when you have a clear ending time, haha.)

Step 5: Find Your Planning Zen

The planning swing is not just about tasks; it’s about finding your planning zen. Create an environment that sparks creativity and focus. Whether it’s a cozy corner, inspiring music, or a cup of matcha – curate a space that invites the swing with open arms.

I have found that sitting at my desk with some quiet worship music in my ears helps me to really focus on the tasks at hand and to not get distracted by things like my phone. If you get distracted easily, I recommend turning notifications off or even moving the distractions away from your line of sight.

Step 6: Reflect and Celebrate

As you bask in the glow of your planning swing, take a moment to reflect. Celebrate your wins, acknowledge the challenges, and learn from the dance. The planning swing isn’t a one-time affair – it’s a rhythm you can cultivate over time. As you are finding your swing, make sure you are celebrating along the way, and reflecting on what is (or isn’t) working for you. Adjust where needed – and pat yourself on the back for the things you’ve been able to implement!

Let the Planning Swing Begin!

Now that you’ve uncovered the secrets, it’s time to hit the planning dance floor! Sync up, find your cadence, embrace flexibility, lose track of time, discover your zen, and celebrate the magic of being in the zone. Your planning swing awaits – let the effortless harmony commence!

Until next time, coordinate that chaos.