Plan a Life You Love: Be a Goal-Getter

Hey Goal-Getter!

So, you’ve got your paper planner, a fresh batch of Matcha (or your beverage of choice), and the burning desire to make this year YOUR year. Well, buckle up because we’re diving into the world of goal-setting. Grab your favorite pen and let’s craft a roadmap to success right in those pages of your planner!

Why Bother with Goals?

What is a goal? It’s the object of your ambition or effort; an aim or a desired result. Think of your goals as the stars in your sky, guiding you through the dark nights and shining brightly in the daylight. They give direction and purpose to your days, weeks, and months. They help you set priorities and clarify your future, and sustain momentum in life. Without them, life can feel like a road trip without a destination – you’re moving, but where to?

Getting Started: Dream Big, Plan Smart

First things first, dream like there’s no limit. Ask yourself: What do you truly desire in life? Travel the world? Start a business? Learn a new language? Write it all down! This is the fun part – let your imagination run wild. A journal is a great place to write all of these questions and answers!

Now, let’s break these dreams into achievable goals. Start broad, then narrow it down. For instance, if your dream is to travel, your goal might be to plan a trip to a specific destination by a certain date. Set meaningful goals, both long-term and short-term. They can be personal or professional related, in all facets of life from health to relationships to finances… These become the steppingstones to turn your dreams into reality.

The SMART Way to Set Goals

Remember the SMART method? It’s not just a cool acronym; it’s your secret weapon for goal-setting.

  • Specific: Define your goals clearly. No vague notions here! Be precise.
  • Measurable: Set metrics to track your progress. How will you know you’re getting there?
  • Achievable: Goals should be challenging but doable. Push yourself, but be realistic.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your overall objectives and values.
  • Time-bound: Set deadlines. This is where your planner becomes the superhero!

I even created a fun printable bookmark to help you remember this acronym! Make sure you grab it before you go!

Tracking Your Journey

Here comes the magic of your paper planner – turning aspirations into actions. Use the monthly, weekly, and daily sections to break your goals into smaller tasks. Want to learn a new language? Dedicate 30 minutes daily to practice or enroll in a course. Then mark your progress in your planner. There’s nothing more satisfying than ticking off those completed tasks! You can even use stencils to create fun trackers in your journal or on your weekly pages!

I also recommend using some time-management techniques to help you knock out those to-do lists and keep you on task and working on those priority items. Create a timeline to achieve the steps so that you can track your progress. Use time-blocking when planning out your week so you plan exactly when you are going to work on a task. Try using the pomodoro method for time-management, especially when you have longer work sessions. This helps you to break up your time with short breaks so that you can focus when it’s time to work.

Adjust and Celebrate

Life is like jazz music – it’s all about improvisation. Things might not always go as planned, and that’s perfectly fine. Adjust your goals if needed, but never lose sight of your vision. Reflect on your wins, big or small, and celebrate them. Treat yourself – you deserve it! I like to add a reflection section into my goals journal every four weeks or so. This allows me to adjust my actions as needed in response to how progress is actually going.

You are going to encounter obstacles along the way. Here are some of the most common obstacles that we face and some ideas on how to overcome them:

  • I have no time!  Try going to bed earlier so that you’re able to wake up earlier when it’s peaceful and quiet to get a jumpstart on your to-do list.
  • I have too many commitments! Oh friend, this is totally me! This is where it’s important to learn how to do these three things – Eliminate – Automate – Delegate. Eliminate things that aren’t necessary. Automate whatever you can. Delegate smaller tasks to others.
  • I am stressed out / overwhelmed. Looking at all the things on your list can be daunting. It’s important to make sure that you create downtime for your mind and body to rest. Go for a walk to clear your mind. Meditate. Create a space for quiet time – perhaps a reading corner.
  • I lost my drive. Remember your why! Read through your journaling exercise from earlier where you wrote out your vision and dreams. Have a long-term vision that inspires you. I also recommend keeping your why visible – create a vision board that represents what you want to achieve!

Embrace the Journey

Remember, it’s not just about reaching the destination; it’s about relishing the journey. Each day in your planner is a chance to write your story, one goal at a time. Embrace the process, learn from the setbacks, and keep moving forward.

So, my fellow Goal-Getter, grab that planner, sip your matcha (or coffee, or wine – whatever floats your boat), and set those goals ablaze. Make this year your canvas, and paint a life you love, one goal at a time. The world is yours to conquer, and your planner is the compass. Let’s do this!

Happy planning and goal-getting!

P.S. You got this! 😉 If you would like additional support and accountability, join our community!

Oh, and before you go, don’t forget to grab my fun printable bookmark that will help you continue to make SMART goals!