Finding the joy in planning might not come naturally to you. Maybe just the thought of sitting down and writing ev-er-y-thing down overwhelms you. Maybe you aren’t sure where to start. Maybe you just don’t like it! I get it! I’ve known for a long long time that I function better with pen and paper. …
calm in the chaos
Best Laid Plans, Laid Aside
You can have the best laid plans, but they can still get laid aside. I love a good routine. A consistent schedule. Knowing where I’m supposed to be and when to be there. I do NOT like when those plans get changed. Especially when I had *just* confirmed them. But it is bound to happen …
Find Calm in the Chaos
Finding Calm in the Chaos – A Summer Camp by The Blended Mama Are you feeling overwhelmed by the commitments in your life? Does it feel like there is never enough time to do all the things? Are you not making progress towards your dreams and goals? Then this Summer Camp is for you! If …