Finding the Joy in Planning

Finding the joy in planning might not come naturally to you.

Maybe just the thought of sitting down and writing ev-er-y-thing down overwhelms you. Maybe you aren’t sure where to start. Maybe you just don’t like it!

I get it!

I’ve known for a long long time that I function better with pen and paper. It works for me. That doesn’t mean that I’ve always had layouts that worked well for me…it just means that I know that having things written down on paper is how my brain works. I do love a cute sticky note, and when I worked in an office, my cubicle was covered with them. I don’t do that as much these days, mostly because I try to keep things all in one place so I’m not hunting down that one piece of paper that had the info I’m looking for on it but I can’t remember exactly where I put it…but it was on a pink sticky. 😉

As I continue to get older, I find myself needing to write down more and more things…and that’s ok! I’m embracing it and finding systems that work for ME. This helps me to continue to find JOY in life, and especially in my planning processes. I know that not everyone finds planning to be a pleasant experience…but I want to change that for you!

Here are my TOP TEN TIPS for finding the joy in planning.

    1. Set clear goals:

      One way to find joy in planning is by setting clear goals. When you have a specific target to work towards, it can be motivating and rewarding to make plans that help you achieve that goal. If you are brand new to planning (whether on paper or electronically), start with small goals. Decide how much time you want to spend planning per day/week and set a timer. This is going to help you build that habit without it being overwhelming or feeling impossible.

    2. Break down big tasks:

      Big tasks can be overwhelming and can often discourage you from planning. To avoid this, break down bigger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. This will help you feel a sense of progress and accomplishment as you work through your plans. I’m gonna be honest – one of the areas that I hate planning is finances. It’s a really challenging area, especially in blended families, and made even more complicated as a small business owner (of multiple small businesses). It is never pretty, and it is easy to just look at it and feel like it is hopeless to think that our situation might change. BUT when I actually sit down, look at the numbers, and make a PLAN, I am able to see past the “right now” and grasp the “in the future” vision. I am able to see what steps I need to take (albeit, painful ones, let’s be honest), and see them in bite-size chunks.

    3. Celebrate milestones:

      Celebrating milestones is another way to find joy in planning. When you complete a step in your plan, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate that accomplishment. It can be as simple as a pat on the back or a small treat. Back to that financial planning example, I think it’s important to celebrate those small wins along the way – like I paid off one of my credit cards in February. Yes, it was the smallest one, but it is PAID OFF! And that is worth celebrating my friends!

    4. Be flexible:

      Being flexible in your planning can help you find joy in the process. Recognize that plans can change, and that’s okay. Embrace the unexpected and enjoy the journey, even if it doesn’t always go according to plan. This is something that I’ve learned from my husband, truly. Small business ownership is not for the faint of heart and you have to learn to be flexible. I do my best to carry this into my planning and leave room for things to change if needed. That’s why I like to use Frixion pens in my paper planner.

    5. Take breaks:

      Taking breaks is important when planning. It can help you avoid burnout and maintain your motivation. Take breaks often to recharge and come back to planning with a fresh perspective. There’s only so long that I can stare at numbers, so my financial planning is one that gets broken down into multiple chunks of time. Planning out my week, that’s generally a single session. Use your best judgement on when you just need to set the pen down and walk away for a bit.

    6. Visualize success:

      Visualizing success can be a powerful motivator. Imagine yourself achieving your goals and how it will make you feel. This can help you stay focused and motivated when planning. Whether it’s a weight loss goal, improvements in mental health, or paying off debt, visualizing what success looks like and keeping that at the forefront of your mind (or even as an actual image in your paper planner!) can be motivating. Keep in mind that only YOU can define what success looks like!

    7. Collaborate with others:

      Collaborating with others can be a fun and engaging way to plan. Brainstorming with friends, family, or your planner coach (ME!) can help you generate new ideas and perspectives, and can make planning feel less daunting. Need extra help? Email me and let’s set up a time to chat! You are not in this alone!

    8. Experiment with different planning methods:

      There are many different ways to plan, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Try out different planning tools, such as our various inserts, wall calendars, or journals, to find the method that suits you best. Also consider how you need to see the information: monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly! We have options no matter how detailed you need to plan!

    9. Keep a positive attitude:

      Keeping a positive attitude can help you find joy in planning. Focus on the progress you’re making rather than the things you haven’t done yet. Celebrate your successes and keep moving forward. When life gets hectic, take a moment to breathe and remind yourself that you’ve got this.

    10. Remember why you’re planning:

      Finally, remember why you’re planning in the first place. Whether it’s to achieve a personal goal, advance your career, or improve your life in some way, keeping your ultimate purpose in mind can help you find joy in the planning process. I love creating dashboards with our deco kits to keep in my planner (in the dashboard sleeve, of course) with visual reminders of my “why.” I especially like to use motivational stickers, photos,

Would you like to see more about my favorite paper planners?

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Before you go though, tell me which of these tips was most helpful for you! I’d love to hear what resonated with you the most!

Until next time, coordinate that chaos!

~ Teresa ~