Self-Care When You’re Sick: Giving Yourself Grace and Rest

Self-Care When You’re Sick: Giving Yourself Grace and Rest Let’s be real—being sick is never convenient. The to-do list keeps growing, responsibilities don’t pause, and sometimes, we push ourselves too hard instead of allowing our bodies to truly rest and recover. But here’s the truth: self-care isn’t just bubble baths and face masks—it’s also knowing …

It’s time to make yourself a priority…

As women, we often don’t take enough time for ourselves… Many of the women in our community wear many hats: wife, mom, business owner, employee, coach, chauffeur… It can be easy to put ourselves at the very end of the line when it comes to priorities. I’m not saying we should always be first…just that there should …

Open Hearts

When I was in fourth grade, I experienced the loss of a relative for the first time (or at let the first one I remember). I was 9 years old. (Note: as I’m thinking about it…it might’ve been second grade…my memory from that far back has long-since faded with that level of detail.)My parents drove …

Taking Back My Identity

For several years, my identity was single mom, working mom, strong mom, fit mom. These were things that I felt defined me; they were who I was. I worked full time, exercised regularly with a personal trainer at the gym, worked my Beachbody coaching business, parented two children (with the help of my village) and …

The Importance of Self Care

Today was a good day. The fact that it’s noteworthy means that there’s been a lot going on. Life has been difficult lately. Blending families isn’t always a bed of roses, so to speak. The challenges that we face aren’t things that most of our friends can even relate to, unless they’re also part of …