It’s time to make yourself a priority…

As women, we often don’t take enough time for ourselves…

Many of the women in our community wear many hats: wife, mom, business owner, employee, coach, chauffeur… It can be easy to put ourselves at the very end of the line when it comes to priorities. I’m not saying we should always be first…just that there should be some balance, and that we have to learn to take time for ourselves.

I know that I can get overwhelmed just by the sheer number of people in our house, and even though the loudness might be all happy sounds, it drains me. Thankfully, my husband has learned over the years that when I step away for a bit to the quietness of my room, it’s not because I don’t want to be part of the fun – it’s because I need to recharge.

Let’s see if we can change that though! In our Chaos Coordinator Community during the month of June, we will be focusing on self-care and mental health. We will be using five Tula Xii inserts to help us track various areas of our lives. Each week, we will focus on a new insert, so you can choose one or more of the inserts to use along with us! The five inserts we will cover this month are:

  1. Mental Health Tracker
  2. Goals and Habit Tracker
  3. Coloring
  4. Hand Lettering
  5. Self Care

So let’s chat about uses for the mental health tracker.

The Mental Health Tracker insert is perfect for tracking a variety of health patterns, including mood, sleep patterns, emotions, or anything else that you’d like to track morning, afternoon and evening (MAE). On the left page, you can use symbols numbers, and colors to have multi-level pattern tracking. There’s a handy place for your unique legend at the bottom of the page, which is great because I can barely remember my own color-coding. 🙂

On the right page, you can make notes that relate back to your tracking. Whether it’s something that you changed that helped your mood to improve, or you had a trigger that cause things to be “off”, it can be helpful to track this type of information.

As with many of our inserts, it’s entirely up to you as to how you utilize this insert. Some alternate uses beyond mental health tracking for this insert are:

  • Pain tracker
  • Migraine tracker
  • GI symptom / food tracker
  • Seizure tracker
  • Anxiety / panic attack tracker
  • PTSD tracker
  • Menstrual cycle tracker
  • Track IEP items for your students.
  • Track behavioral/emotional/medical symptoms with your children.

Want to get a jump start on your Self Care Insert?

The self care insert has space for daily journaling, so I’m giving you thirty journal prompts to try out, in case you need help getting started. Alternatively, if you’re already using the BuJo (Bullet Journal) Insert, you could use these there as well.

I hope that you’ll find taking even just 15 minutes a day to reflect on how YOU are doing today will be helpful to you. Mental Health is something that has been important to me for many years, as I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression during various times of my life. It is something that I have to be more aware of and take conscious actions to protect my own mental health. Some days that’s easier than others…but it’s something I am always working on. So let’s get started on this together!


~ Teresa Stone ~

The Blended Mama