The Reality of Step-parent Adoption

We have waited for this day for years. Literally, years. Now that the day has come, it feels somewhat anti-climactic. At the end of June, we were able to finalize the legal process of step-parent adoption. We are now officially the Stones, Party of Eight. While I’m obviously happy (and relieved) to be at the end of …

2019 Words of the Year

A“word of the year” is a particular word that has meaning to you for the coming year. Some people choose something that they want to work on, like “faith” or “patience.” I’ve actually selected three words this year. I know, I’m an overachiever. These three words mean a lot to me, and are printed on …

You Get What You Get…

“You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit.” I don’t remember which teacher first said this to my kids, but it has served me well over the years as a parent. Complaining about what’s being served for dinner? “You get what you get…” Upset because it was a little sparse under the Christmas tree? “You …

Personally Polished

Life in the Stone household is about to get a little crazier. I have decided to become my own boss lady by joining a dry nail polish company! I’m sure you’re thinking, “What in the world is that? And why are you adding ONE MORE THING to your plate?!?!” I asked the same things!! Haha! …

The BIG Announcement

As promised this morning, we have a big announcement to make! After much earnest prayer and thoughtful discussion, we have made the decision to close up shop. Wait. What am I thinking?? That’s not right. Let me try this again. After much earnest prayer and thoughtful discussion, we have made the decision to operate the …

The Blended Bakery – Who We Are

We have been operating our food truck for a few months now. We’ve gained a lot of new followers recently, so I thought I would write a little about who we are, what we do, and I will try to answer some of the most common questions we receive. I know there has been some …

Take Time to Listen

Those of you who know me personally know that I’m an introvert. I enjoy being social with small groups, but I find large crowds very draining. You can imagine how I feel when we have six boisterous children around the house. The volume level increases by several orders of magnitude when everyone is home. I …

A Message of Peace and Hope

Those of you who know us personally probably know that DJ is the visionary and I’m the Negative Nancy (I prefer realist). DJ is the dreamer who is unwavering in his faith once he feels God leading him. I am the “show me” person who wants to see everything laid out all nice and pretty …

Inquiring Minds Want to Know…

So how are things going with your storefront? We’ve gotten this question a lot recently. As you may remember, we announced back in February that we were trying to expand to a storefront. So much work has gone into this. We’ve written the business plan…and rewritten the business plan as things have changed…and tweaked the …

Blended Families are Messy

I’m sure that you get this question multiple times a day: “How are you?” It’s often preceded by “Good morning,” or “Hello!” I know I say that to most of my coworkers when I pass them in the hallway. More often than not, you probably receive back a standard response of “Good morning; how are …