Harnessing the Power of Tiny Changes: My Journey to a Morning Exercise Routine

Good morning, Chaos Coordinators! 🌞 Today, I’m diving into something that’s both a challenge and, hopefully, a transformative journey for me—building a morning exercise routine. Inspired by the wisdom of James Clear in his game-changing book, *Atomic Habits*, I am working hard to revolutionize my mornings, and I’m here to share that energy with you. So, grab your matcha (you know I’ve got mine!) and let’s talk about turning small steps into big changes.

Why Morning Exercise?

First off, why the morning? Mornings, for many of us, are sacred. They set the tone for the day. Integrating exercise into my morning ritual sounded daunting at first (ok, ok…it still sounds daunting to say I’m going to wake up at 4am on purpose),  but the promise of increased energy levels and a kickstart to my metabolism will eventually be too tempting to ignore. Plus, knocking out my workout early means I’m less likely to skip it when unexpected tasks pop up later in the day.

Starting Small: The Magic of Mini Habits

James Clear emphasizes the power of tiny, incremental changes. The idea isn’t to jump from waking up at 5am to waking up at 4am. Oh no, we’re about easing into it, folks. I am starting with just five minutes earlier. Yes, just five! I have been tried jumping into just getting up at 4am, and it has only been successful on Fridays when I have a 6am coaching call with one of my teammates. Perhaps if I had 6am phone calls every day, I would be able to do it? But alas, not many folks are early birds! So, the point that I’m trying to make here is that we want it to be easy, right? Getting up five minutes earlier *should* be easy. The goal is to make sticking to it a no-brainer.

The length of the actual workout wasn’t the problem for me – it was the time of day. But 4am is where I know I can consistently get my workout in…leaving it for lunch time or after work means it often will get pushed aside for meetings, chauffeuring duties, or other business tasks. But perhaps you’re needing to start with just a five-minute workout (as opposed to the getting up earlier like me). That’s totally fine too! Start with a five-minute exercise routine! Five minutes is better than zero, friend!

Increase Your Cadence Gradually

Once those five minutes become a part of my routine—almost like brushing my teeth—I will add another five minutes. This slow and steady increase should help me avoid burnout and help to make the habit stick. It’s like what we say in our crew: adjust your race pace to find that balance. You want your new habit to be sustainable, not a sprint that leaves you gasping for air.

Anchor Your New Habit to an Established One

For me, the seamless integration came by tethering my new exercise routine to my morning quiet time + working session. After I finish my stretching or yoga (that’s about all I’ll be able to fit into five minutes…but the goal is to be doing my bike rides for 30+ minutes), while I’m still riding that endorphin high, I open my Bible. This connection not only boosts my mood but also sharpens my focus for the reading ahead.  It continues into my working sessions after my quiet time, helping me to be more productive. It’s all about that swing—when everything just clicks and feels right.

Make It Enjoyable

Let’s be real— if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick to it. Running used to be my happy place and my stress relief, but my body doesn’t like it so much anymore. I am finding that riding the Peloton has been a good compromise and I genuinely enjoy it. It feels less like a chore and more like a treat now. Plus, the variety keeps it exciting! I had forgotten how much I like to sweat! Plus, there are stretching and strength training workouts as well, and I really enjoy some of the tours that they offer. I recently did a ride where we got to “ride around” Iceland – it was one of my best rides yet!

Celebrate Every Win

Every day that I complete my morning routine, I give myself a little checkmark in my planner. These visual affirmations are small but mighty—they remind me of my progress and encourage me to dig deep, especially on days when the bed feels too cozy.

Let It Run

Once I have established a rhythm, I will just let it run. Some days are going to be harder than others, but the foundation will be there. Like letting a boat glide through the water after some powerful strokes, I am trusting the process and know that I will enjoy the benefits of my efforts, knowing I’ve done the work to set my day up for success.

To all my planner enthusiasts and busy bees out there looking to add a splash of health and vigor to your mornings, remember: start small, keep consistent, and anchor your new habits in the familiar. You’ve got this! We’ve got this. Let’s make those tiny changes together and watch how they transform our lives. Here’s to stronger mornings and unstoppable you! 💪📘

Ready to start your own journey? I’d love to hear about the small changes you’re planning to implement. Share your thoughts and let’s support each other in building habits that stick!

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