The Perfect Blend…is Not So Perfect

Wait….what?? Then what is this all about?

The Perfect Blend was the theme from our wedding. It is what we are striving for, but we are not there…yet. We believe God has given us a vision for our family, and while we make plenty of mistakes that cause us to ask for forgiveness, we are doing our best to glorify God. We hope and pray that this site and this blog reflect our hearts and the passion that we have for strong families and strong marriages.

Living Life Blended Is and Is Not…

This blog is NOT a place to vent, create drama, or bash ex spouses (or anyone else for that matter). This blog IS a place to communicate honestly and openly about what Living Life Blended is like, the ups and downs, the successes and failures. It’s a place to hopefully connect with others about the unique situations that arise in blended families that others might not know how to relate to if they have not experienced it personally.

We recently hosted our first Blending Families small group in our home, with the support of our church. Our biggest takeaway was so many couples have felt alone in their struggles and are grateful to have found others going through similar situations. When I promoted our small group on my personal Facebook page, I had several people respond saying “I would love to, but I don’t live near you.” Lo and behold, this blog was birthed to reach those that aren’t local but are looking for that same connection. Our vision is for others to take this idea to their churches and start their own Blending Families ministries. There is a need; someone has to step up to fill that gap. Maybe that someone is you.

I believe that Satan tries to pull us away from God by making us feel alone, causing us to doubt ourselves and God’s calling for our lives. We serve a loving, gracious, and merciful Lord, and we are grateful for new mercies each morning. We give our kids grace when they don’t deserve it, and we love them when they’re acting unlovable. With the divorce rate in this country being as high as it is, it’s silly to think that you’re alone. While the details of your circumstances might be unique, you are not alone. I survived my divorce and began to thrive again by being part of a DivorceCare group, and later by working with Celebrate Recovery. I want you to feel encouraged when you read this blog and I want you to know that you are not alone. Whether you are in a blended family situation due to divorce, loss of a spouse, or other circumstances, we want to help support your current marriage and to help it thrive.

And you bake too?

Those of you who know us personally know that this blog is going to largely be written by Teresa (me), but the baking is all about DJ. I do not bake, but The Blended Bakery has been built by DJ. He is the creative one in this couple, aka The Squiggle, whereas I am the logical one, aka The Square. The gallery is filled with creations DJ has made for friends, family and his workplace. We are still working to have it set up as a licensed business, so he’s not taking orders at this time, but look for that announcement to come in the not so distant future.

So what’s next?

Time will tell how often we will post blogs, and how many people stop by to read them. I hope that the passion that is in our hearts to connect with others on this journey shines through the words on this page. Come back to hear more about this crazy journey we are on.