Are You A Mom Feeling Overwhelmed by Life’s Demands?

Are you a mom feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands?

Oh my friend, ME TOO! I’m so glad that you’ve landed on my site, because you don’t have to figure this all out on your own. Here’s a quick little intro to me and what you can expect to find here.

I’m Teresa Stone, aka The Blended Mama and I’m the Chief Chaos Coordinator around here. 🤣

I live in Lexington SC with my husband, DJ and our kiddos Nick and Tori – who are home with me doing virtual school while I work remotely for my day job. DJ also has four kiddos who live with their mom. (Blended families are complicated. We are in a challenging season. That is all.) We also have a pup, Nia and were adopted during the pandemic by a cat, Waffles. They keep us entertained, for sure!

I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur. Frankly, it still scares me. Yet somehow I’ve managed to acquire three small businesses. 🤷🏻‍♀️

With all of the things that I juggle (re-read that intro, lol), having systems to keep me organized is a must. That’s why I’m grateful to have found Tula XII, a lifestyle organizer company. You’ll find me chatting about blended family life, the joys (and challenges) of small business ownership, and tips & tricks for finding calm in the chaos.

I look forward to getting to know you! Feel free to email me at any time and introduce yourself!