Why Not?

When I saw the name of this deco kit, I knew I was going to love it.

It’s a question I try to ask more often: “Why not?”

“Why” is probably a more common question that gets asked, right? Our kids asked this question all.the.time. It’s always good to have a good understanding of the reasons behind why you should do something. You need to know your purpose.

I think it’s equally important to understand the things that are holding you back from saying “yes” to something as well. Try asking yourself, “why not?” the next time you are faced with a big decision.

Is fear holding you back from applying for a new job?

Do you believe in yourself enough to say yes to that new relationship?

Do you have enough faith in your grandest ideas to take the leap and turn them into a reality?

What is holding you back?

These are important questions to ask, beyond just knowing your why.

Even Jeff Bezos agrees with me:

The common question that gets asked in business is, ‘why?’ That’s a good question, but an equally valid question is, ‘why not?’ — Jeff Bezos

How is your mindset today?

Your mindset about a situation can make or break things. When we are willing to look for solutions, and not just the problems, we are more likely to be successful. When we believe in ourselves and our purpose, we are more likely to be able to continue pushing forward even in challenging times.

One resource I’ve enjoyed that helped me with mindset is the book “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod. It helped me establish a morning routine that helps me start my day off on the right foot. When you start your day off well, the rest of your day tends to also run more smoothly. Or at least the bumps in the road don’t seem quite so big. 😉

Crafting can help relax your mind and give you a mental reset.

I have really enjoyed using our deco kits to make cards. I find that when I spend a bit of time doing something crafty, my brain is able to relax a bit and all those things that I’ve been stressing about don’t feel quite so sharp or pointed. It allows me to decompress a bit and come back to those issues with a clearer mind, better able to find solutions to the problems of the day.

Have you had this experience? Next time you’re in a mental slump, try creating something with our Why Not? deco and see how you feel afterwards. I’d love to see what you create! Feel free to share in our Chaos Coordinator Community!